Friday, 29 July 2011

D’oh! where’s the art gran slang?

It was interesting to read the gulf between grandparents and teenager’s uttered slang words. So much so that the jargon of yoof and grups have been combined by creating an on-line slang dictionary.
Imagine how disappointed I was, looking through the terms that there were no art related terms. Perhaps I could volunteer a few ideas for entry;

Synlapse [sin-laps] the involuntary action of the drawing instrument to move in a totally different direction to that the brain intended.
Wibble [we-bull] side to side whilst traversing motion or unusual use of a brush or rubber tipped pencil.
Surficon [serf-icon] bargain watercolour paper purchased at an art show that doesn’t perform as promised.
Osnosmith [Oh-no-smiths] well meaning paint set gift from relative.
Dlipse [dip-lapse] the action of accidentally dipping the brush in a beverage
Frange [F-anne-g] an area of unglued paper tape where water collects and backruns emanate from.
Iconeaze [icon-ease] the way the demonstrating artist makes it look easy
Eazimud [easy-mud] a watercolour mixture made up of many colours.
Moltner [molt-nur] a natural hair brush with a tendency to shed hair - especially in the spring.

We’ve made another movie